Behind That Curtain edition by Earl Derr Biggers Literature Fiction eBooks

Behind That Curtain is the third novel in the Charlie Chan series of mystery novels by Earl Derr Biggers.
It is set almost exclusively in California (as opposed to Chan's native Hawaii), and tells the story of the former head of Scotland Yard, a detective who is pursuing the long-cold trail of a murderer. Fifteen years ago, a London solicitor was killed in circumstances in which the only clue was a pair of Chinese slippers, which he apparently donned just before his death. Sir Frederic Bruce has been following the trail of the killer ever since. He has also been interested in what appears to be a series of disappearing women around the world, which has some connection to the disappearance of a woman named Eve Durand in rural India also fifteen years ago. Just when it seems he might finally solve the murder case, at a dinner party to which a number of important and mysterious guests have been invited, Inspector Bruce is killed -- and was last seen wearing a pair of Chinese slippers, which have vanished. It is left to Chan to solve the case and tie up all loose ends.
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Behind That Curtain edition by Earl Derr Biggers Literature Fiction eBooks
Another classic Charlie Chan mystery. I just can’t get enough of the these entertaining novels. I too wish there were more of the Charlie Chan novels.Mr. Biggers has a writing style that I find appealing. I like the clever way he keeps Charlie Chan’s dialogue in harmony with his personality; and the informative and entertaining depiction of 1920s San Francisco. Chan plays a larger role in this novel which I like. I find it interesting that Chan encounters no personal violence in solving crimes; there are no salacious episodes, yet Biggers manages to captivate you by clever dialogue, creative character development and storyline.
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Behind That Curtain edition by Earl Derr Biggers Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I have read all the books written by Biggers' narrating Charlie's adventures and I am posting this review to all of them in general.Biggers' writing style is unique and easily distinguishable,his characters amusing and very realistic and his star detective (Charlie Chan) one of the most balanced individuals in crime fiction;this guy will make you laugh and he will make you think harder on the values of life,he will praise patience yet he will deliver justice swiftly and effectively,he will be kind and he will be cunning.Having read contemporary as well as older works of crime fiction,I recommend every single one of this books hands down.Just read it!Thank you for reading this review.
There were only three original Charlie Chan books and this is one of them. You cannot beat the prices so I suggest you get all three.this is not theChan of the movies but you can see him developing from this one. The best part of the books is that,although old,they are not really dated and very easy reading. Biggers knew how to keep you reading!
Only a truly great writer can spin a tale that, despite being written over 100 years ago is still entertaining and current. That is exactly what happens with this installment of the Charlie Chan mysteries. Equal to any modern detective story you actually need to remind yourself that this was written before the automobile was even commonplace. Entertaining, makes you think, and a good enjoyable read. Chan of course is a classic character and we see why in this book.
Great Story and very well-written. You would never guess the book is almost 100 years old. First read it over 50 years ago and enjoyed it just as much the second time around. Charlie Chan is a national treasure.
I am a Charlie Chan fan (maybe I should say, I am a Charlie Chan nut) from way back, from the first time I heard a comedy on radio (or I should say a parody) to the many movies. I think the books on the market are engrossing, but again you have to be a fanatic like me to appreciate this book or any of the others. They are interesting reads, even for those who were never into the Charlie Chan group. My military buddies enjoyed them when they borrowed them from me.
What a fun read. Great cast of characters. Marvelous dialogue. Much misdirection. Biggers really never gave any clue as to the real perpetrator until the end. I don't care for that ploy. But, it was a fine story and Charlie made the fairly obnoxious American policeman look pretty silly.
The third Charlie Chan mystery (1928) lives up to the reputation of both Chan and his creator. This time Charlie pulls aside the curtain that conceals a mystery far in the past.
Charlie Chan is still trying to leave San Francisco after a vacation that turned into a job of detection. Once again he's kept from leaving by a case the murder of Sir Frederick Bruce, ex-head of the Criminal Investigation Unit at Scotland Yard. Despite his retirement, Sir Frederick can't resist pursuing certain unsolved cases to their end. His end comes before his success, and it's Charlie Chan's fate to carry on.
How Charlie gets involved is a part of the deliciously complex plot that the reader can look forward to. Earl Derr Biggers has a genius for intricate plotting that doesn't lose the reader - and characters so witty, sinister, silly or charming, you observe them all with amused fascination.
The characters include a gorgeous woman lawyer obsessed with her career, a blustering police inspector who gets everything wrong, an unstoppable explorer who leaves behind a trail of dead camels and men in every remote patch of Earth he visits - and three women who have disappeared into the night over the last 15 years, starting with a young beauty in Peshawar. The search for these women has been the death of Sir Frederick.
As always, Charlie Chan is patient, modest, wise - and a fountain of delightfully flowery language. I'm moving on immediately to the next mystery in the series The Black Camel..
Another classic Charlie Chan mystery. I just can’t get enough of the these entertaining novels. I too wish there were more of the Charlie Chan novels.
Mr. Biggers has a writing style that I find appealing. I like the clever way he keeps Charlie Chan’s dialogue in harmony with his personality; and the informative and entertaining depiction of 1920s San Francisco. Chan plays a larger role in this novel which I like. I find it interesting that Chan encounters no personal violence in solving crimes; there are no salacious episodes, yet Biggers manages to captivate you by clever dialogue, creative character development and storyline.

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